
Kunci Soal Bahasa Inggris 6 SD Ulangan Harian TA 2014

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d! 
I. Pilih jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang a, b c atau d! 

1. The ruler is seven hundred and fifty rupiahs. The price is number ... 
a. Rp 7.050.00 c. Rp 570.00 
b. Rp 750.00 d. Rp 7.500.00 

2. We buy fruits in the ... 
a. fruitstall c. drugstore 
b. stationary d. greengrocer 

3. There is a fruitstall in the market. Fruitstall in indonesian is ... 
a. penjual sayur c. keranjang 
b. troli d.kios buah 

4. Someone who sells something is calleed... 
a. buyer c. seller 
b. shopkeeper d. cashier 


5. A Cashier counts the price by using a... 
a. shoping list c. Receipt 
b. cash register d. Trolley 

6. This person serves you at the Supermarket. She is a ... 
a. buyer c. Shopkeeper 
b. seller d. Cashier 

7. How much ... it cost? 
a. do c. Is 
b. does d. Are 

8. Mr.Hadi has a ... at the market. 
a. trolley c. Cash register 
b. receipt d. Kiosk 

9. The cup is Rp 17,700.00 The price in sentences is ... 
a. ten thousand and seven hundred rupiah 
b. eleven thousand and seventy seven hundred rupiah 
c. seventy thousand and seven hundred rupiahs 
d. seventeen thousand and seven hundred rupiahs 

10. There are hundreds of students in that school Hundred means... 
a.puluhan c.jutaan 
b.ribuan d.ratusan

11. After paying the things the cashier will give the ... to you. 
a. receipt c.show – case 
b. shoping list d.basket 

12. There is a big discount in the market. The meaning of discount is ... 
 a. membayar b. pemotongan harga c. mengangsur d.uang 

13. Bargain means... 
a.membeli b.menukar c.menawar d.menjual 

14. A : “Do you have chocolate?” B : “ No, I...” 
a. don`t c. Isn`t 
b. doesn`t c. Aren`t 

15. We can buy chili,onion, garlic and etc in the ... 
a. mall c.supermarket 
b. market d.fruits stall

II.Isilah titik – titik berkut dengan kata yang benar!
1. We can buy a pair of shoes in the ...
2. Rina wants to buy cucumber in the ...
3. I get ... in the fruitsstall
4. To ask someone cost, we can say ...
5. Where does the cashier put all the things? The cashier put all in the ...
Competence Test 4
6. Shopkeeper means ...
7. My father buys medicine in the ...
8. ... does the covering cost?
9. Shopkeeper is a person who works in the ...
10. What do they make before go shopping? It is ... 

III. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini
1. What do you can buy in the Supermarket?
2. Where do we pay all the things?
3. I – bargain – can – T-shirt – this
4. “Jaket itu harganya Rp 135.000,00”.
Write in to english!
5. “Mr. Joy sells friut in the fruitstall”.
Translate into indonesian!

1. B 6. D 11. B
2. A 7. B 12. B
3. D 8. D 13. C
4. C 9. D 14. A
5. B 10.d 15. B
1. Market
2. Green grocer
3. Fruit
4. How much does it cost?
5. Plastic bag
6. Penjaga toko
7. Drugstore
8. How
9. Market/ shop
10. Receipt
1. Soap, tooth paste, etc .
2. Cashier
3. I can bergain this T-shirt
4. The Jacket price is one hundred and thirty five thousand rupiahs.
5. Pak joy menjual buah di toko buah.

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